Unique, handmade creations by an Island girl with a bustling brain. Established 2018.

Myriad Mind Makery

The fundamentals of Myriad Mind are based in keeping sane. In essence, I make, and therefore I am. Sane, that is. Well, that's a broad term...

I like to make a multitude of things, consciously trying not to limit myself in my abilities, and so constantly keeping a couple dozen partially-finished ideas stashed away for a rainy day. No matter what I am making, my goals are to always keep my work original, simple, and modern, but with a touch of rustic and a splash of vintage. The beautiful Cowichan Valley is my home and it is a constant source of inspiration to my work, whether by its unmatched natural beauty or by its relentlessly heartwarming community of people. You can expect to see plenty of local driftwood in my projects, maybe even some stones and shells, as well as natural cotton fibres, re-purposed thrift store finds, and plenty of other locally crafted/curated accents.

Many different types and styles of my projects are available for sale, some even directly online! To see my work (past and present), check out my portfolio page. For order inquiries or to chat about custom orders, please head over to the contact page. Otherwise, you can find what I currently have available for purchase up on my shop page!

All of my projects, big or small, are made by hand in the spare room of my little house during my down time. This is a new venture of mine, a side project to and about my many side projects, which came to be after much prying by my friends and family hoping to snag something crafted by yours truly; however, that is not to say that the projects created under this name are by any means a new or unwanted thing to me. Art, crafting, and making of all kinds have always been a massive part of my life and I am just now solidifying the fact that they always will be. Since some of these creative hobbies have begun gaining some attention on social media and my larger friend circle, I felt it was time to kick things up a notch and start building a brand for myself. I wanted to create a platform to showcase my work and to garner the interest of potential buyers... and just see where it all takes me!

Read on for a more personal look at this new creative venture and what it means to me.

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Hey there, how are ya?

Hi! I'm Jane.

Pleased to meet you. Thank you so much for checking out my work. I guess this is the part where I tell you my life story...

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 Just a small town girl...

Born and raised in the little town of Duncan, I've called British Columbia's beautiful Cowichan Valley (nestled near the middle of Vancouver Island) my home for my entire life. Though there are still many parts of the world I would like to see, I've seen enough to know that this place will always have my heart (and will therefore always be home). I am greatly influenced by the immense natural beauty that surrounds me and, when life winds me up, I know I can always look to the trees or to the sea for a bit of grounding and inspiration. 

I have a wonderfully close family that means the absolute world to me. My parents opened a super-popular local eatery in town before I was even born and soon began their amazing [and slightly insane] legacy of dominating the local craft food and drink culture, expertly steering the area's small business/community standards (in both commerce and ethics), and constantly raising the bar for just overall excellence in our valley - at least in my eyes. I obviously could not help being empowered while having these absolute icons in my corner throughout every aspect of my life... And so it didn't take long for me to want to follow a little in their footsteps. I began working with [for] my parents sometime in middle school. Between working a handful of different positions at all three restaurants, plenty of caterings and events, as well as a micro production brewery, I’ve familiarized myself with the concepts of hard work and long days, and service over everything. I’ve met a lot of great people and I’ve learned so, so much - not only about the industry (and business in general), but also about myself.

Right now, you’ll find me working between 3 locations of my family’s restaurants and pubs, managing the office operations and all that super fun money stuff. My crafting has fallen a bit to the wayside as I continue my self-exploration and manage my mental well-being in this tumultuous world, but it never leaves my mind. I’d say I’m in the relationship- and family- building phase of my life. My partner and I have been together for going on twelve years and have finally decided to tie the knot and throw the wedding of our dreams - which is not for the faint of heart! Though it really excited my creative side. Through this phase of life when we consider our futures, our family, and our home, we’ve reconnected on such a deep level. It’s not lost on me how truly lucky I am to have such a fabulously supportive partner who believes in whatever I set out to do, and can even match my desire to create with his own (incredibly freaking cool) creative endeavours including woodworking and blacksmithing!

Well-kept habits...

Throughout my whole life, the art of crafting has been a near-addiction. I've always had many different creative interests... I have a huge affinity for books and writing. The art of the word (written or spoken) is one of this life's greatest gifts, in my opinion. I've also always enjoyed photography and visual art. My Nikon is one of my most prized possessions. Cooking and experimenting with food and hosting parties is, not surprisingly, a huge part of my life and is always something I've deeply enjoyed. I've dabbled in giftables relative to painting, sewing, knitting. I went through a long card-making/scrapbooking phase starting in my late teens. I've even tried my hand at drawing a little, but I have enough self-awareness to know where my strengths are [not]. And so, as such, the most prominent thing I've learned about myself throughout the years is that I just love to create.

Even as a kid, I always wanted to invent - to turn something into something else, to find the most something-est of somethings out of what seemed like nothing - and I felt insatiably bored when I couldn't do so. I can vividly recall many childhood moments of utter despair, staring at my hands with a feeling that can only be described as 'creative withdrawal' - like a physical force pulsing through me that said, "Make something, damnit!!!!" Inspired/awoken/maddened by old kids' TV shows like 'Crazy Quilt', 'Art Attack', and 'Out of the Box,' I'd kind of just walk around, not knowing what to do with myself until I could get my hands on some crayons or pipe-cleaners or toilet paper tubes or paint and just go wild! All that still rings true for me today, but maybe now for slightly different reasons: all the things in which I've dabbled for my whole life have now changed in motivation from 'keep busy' to 'keep happy.' Some of the materials have even stayed the same - beads, string, sticks, paint... but it now means so much more.

As my hobbies (read: habits) continued and my skills became more honed in on certain types of projects, I suppose people started noticing... So, I started Myriad Mind because of growing interest by friends and acquaintances to see more of my creative projects come to life and to create the opportunity for my work to be purchased [by those same friends, as well as] by the rest of our community if there is interest.

What's in a name?

To me, the name Myriad Mind is satisfyingly self-explanatory in that it speaks quite accurately to who I am at this point in my life and to how I tend to act while working on any given project, be it creative or otherwise. I have an extremely detail-oriented, meticulously logical side (especially when work, school, or writing is involved), but I can also tend toward the overwhelmingly chaotic and emotional; I am a Scorpio, if that means anything to you - I'm told it should. Given that swinging tendency, my creative process (and general approach to life) can differ so much on any given day, with conflicting forces of both inspiration and doubt coming at me from a variety of angles.

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All that in mind, when I started realizing I would be tasked with creating a conceptual business name for myself, I of course had a hard time and worried pretty hard about it, as anyone would. How was I meant to come up with a fun, creative, practical way to describe all my various projects in one name that works for everything, looks good on a business card, lends itself to branding and logos, AND all without pigeonholing myself, but without sounding too vague... My brain was flyin'. But then, one day, basically by accident, I was somewhat optimistically perusing an online thesaurus for inspiration (yes, I am that person) and I stumbled upon a phonetically-pleasing phrase often made with reference to one of the most celebrated writers of all time [William Shakespeare, whom I love], and I thought, 'Wow, is that ever how I am feeling right now!" The phrase stuck with me for that and so many other reasons, so I [sat on it for a few weeks, kept it a secret, bought the domain name after too many glasses of wine one Tuesday night, trashed the idea, picked it back up, and then finally] figured I had just better run with it... and I am so glad I did. I am feeling more connected with the concept every day. It's so me! 

I look back on the struggle I felt to chose a name for my little 'side business' project and I realize that once I let go of trying to precisely and cleverly name all the things that I like to make under one umbrella, and just browsed for something that was about me, I ended up finding something so deeply satisfying that it still somehow accomplished the initial goal! I suppose there's a lesson in there about letting the universe deliver at its own pace, rather than vying for the expedited service... But what am I, a philosopher? Nah.

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Okay, wrap it up...

To me, Myriad Mind is about dealing with the ten thousand crazy thoughts (doubts, excitements, insecurities, aspirations, stresses, whims, eccentricities, motivation, anxiety, visions - all of that and more) that swirl around in the brain like a twisty mess by channeling both the best and the worst of them into something positive and unique. And if I have to make a different kind of thing for each of those ten thousand twisty messes, then so be it. People have been saying it for hundreds of years: art is therapy. There is a special kind of magic in making... And making makes my life better. So, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your interest in sharing this part of my life with me and for helping me to help myself keep my mind a little bit clearer and my life a little bit happier.

xo, Jane :)